Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want..."

Although throughout my twenties, I never really understood what the big deal was in finding your passion, and if there really was any kind of dreams that were instilled within lil' me. Yeah, sure there were these typical daydreams: "Someday I wanna get married..." and "One day I wanna have a family; 3 kids, maybe 4". I'll admit to having some "Wouldn't it be cool" dreams during my elementary school days. I imagined being some kick-ass choreographer, like who Tina Landon was to Janet Jackson. I loved to dance-still do. And there was a slight moment of thought during my Aqua Net hair days that it'd be "totally rad" to be a stewardess (now to be politically correct, they are referred to as flight attendants). How "awesome" would it be to travel all around the world, meet local people at pubs and restaurants near the airport, and know them by first-name basis? Those dreams have passed because now they no longer sit in the front of my brain for me to daydream. Some dreams have come true with a beautiful marriage, and in the coming dreams to reality of having a family, which has dropped to "2 kids, maybe 3".

Noone can forsee the future-we can only make it happen if our faith is competent to withstand the "opponents" callous ways. I continue to fight to WIN in victory, so that I can reach my dreams; to build self-awareness. And in order to do this, I need to be as efficient as possible with all the things I'm having to fit into my life (eventually):

- keep my faith in God the center of my life
- continue to spend as much time with the love of my life, my family and my friends
- read all the books that are sitting patiently on my nightstand (what happens is I start to read one book, pick up another and start reading that, then pick up another one, and somehow I end up with 3 books with bookmarks right in the middle of each one)
- travel as much as possible before any "baby talk" (Hawai'i, Cancun, Philippines for sure, Chicago, Yosemite, Texas, Graceland-actually Elvis can wait till later...)
- watch the Viva Elvis show @ Aria in Vegas
- watch the play Lion King
- Long-term: Egypt/Pyramids/camel riding?
- continue to take classes to gain the knowledge I need to WIN my victory
- devote more time to the biz
- read up on other wedding blogs & ideas
- start a wedding blog
- start a Twitter account (can't believe I just typed that)
- pay off my bills
- go back to scrapbooking
- learn how to sew
- get Invisalign
- volunteer?
- be more GREEN
- $ave-$ave-$ave
- keep cooking
- program myself with more computer skills
- get back into fitness/yoga/...go for a hike or two
- get massages once a month
- humble myself
- less "chismiss"
- ask questions
- think before I speak
- stop wasting time
- surround myself with extraordinary people

Surround Yourself with a Dream Team | "People can build you up or break you down -- you make the choice what role they play in your success." | John C. Maxwell

I'll have you know all those started with "I Wanna..." and in no particular order. And yes, the list will go on...but I'll spare you a few hours. What's interesting is that I know I'm not alone because of my own lil' cheering section on this site:
On his way to reaching the end of the internet, a friend of mine ("Linus") continues to share these websites and insights-thanks dude!

Now if only I can be efficient with my "wanna's", I'll be so happy and proud to list how long it took me to check off my wanna's on that website I mentioned. First "I Wanna" create my account. :p

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