Thursday, July 15, 2010

"...LetLove shine..."

Introducing LetLove Photography

She's an amazing, beautiful upcoming photographer here in the Bay Area. And I'm putting her on blast---sisterly-positively-all love blast!!

This is the moment she's been waiting for and things are sweetly coming along for my girl Lileth D. Rau. She's always had the eye to capture the most beautiful images, and has gained alot of knowledge about photography along the way. I've known this girl for over a decade-way over a decade actually. And I love her to death (she knows it). She has a fun-loving spirit, speaks her mind, and isn't afraid to go one-on-one with you in basketball. I respect her with all my heart.

She inspires those around her to look beyond the impossible... and I love that she's doing that with every shot. I can go on and on about my "sis", but I'll savor it for later blogs. There will definitely be more updates and plugs on LetLove Photography through C&C Engagements

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"What's Love Got To Do With It..."

Oh, I'll tell you...this is the flow of my this time:

Dedicated to all those who keep pushing, climbing, thriving and striving for success…to get that sense of completion or at least come close to it.

Abraham Lincoln once said:

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."

You have the power. And as I read article after article on Etsy about people like me & you, who are “living on what they LOVE”, it makes me happy that I personally know people taking those steps to LIVE what THEY love…just like us.

Doing something you love doesn’t always paint a pretty picture...especially when you’re starting out. But I bet if you keep the following below in mind (keeping that passion strong, and building your brand), it can lead you toward a beautiful mural. These are just some thoughts that I have…there’s more to it, but I want to share mine:

It takes WORK (extra, double, triple overtime from your every day work).
It takes TIME (last night I was multi-tasking like no other: folding laundry, organizing a room, calling the bride with questions, taking notes, whilst chatting with Courtney, and taking a break to have some cereal and milk for a snack. Time flew by after 3 hours messaging back and forth. But we got a lot done!).
It takes DEDICATION. Coming home from 8 hours work, and 1 hour of commute time, you really have to push yourself and motivate yourself to get back on the saddle and start working on that thing you Live to LOVE for.
It takes PATIENCE. Boy, when you’ve worked so hard on something, and know you did all of the above by putting in your extra work, time, and dedication, you feel a reward is bound to come. “It has to come” you tell yourself. Maybe so...maybe not this time. Having patience can really be helpful in an example like this. I’ve learned to remind myself that though a lot of effort was put into something, I may not be rewarded at once, but as long as I know I did the best I could and I get one compliment, I can move on to the next one.
It takes an OPEN MIND. The ideas are plentiful, and the opportunities are continuous. Step out of the norm, and get into projects and hobbies you never thought you’d be caught doing. You never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try.
It takes an OPEN BOOK...literally. I’ve read a few books over the past few months, and I have gained more knowledge now about marketing, business, networking, building up my personal brand, etc…than ever before in my life. And I’ll continue to do that.
It takes FAITH. Believing that all is possible, you're "stepping out in faith", as Victoria Osteen puts it in her book Love Your Life
It takes LOVE. The love you have for something you’ve always wanted to do, or always had a keen interest on can make you feel wholesome…in a way that you never thought would be possible.

To my husband, Jay, who amazes me every time he is challenged with a task, and I watch him go through it, and watch him overcome it, he’s remained in a state of success no matter the circumstances. He leads me toward this bright future and believes that I’m capable of things I may not see or can’t quite grasp the idea of just yet. He reminds me of how to handle my time, and if I stress out, take a break-simple as that. He shares with me his ultimate goals and the love he has to be able to give back, to climb up the ladder of success, and to share this all with me. He shares his love about all things that are possible for us.

To Courtney, with the unstopable mind of creative flow. She knows, I know, we know..."lesdodis."

To family & friends who support, who love...believe it.

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. -Rumi

Sunday, July 11, 2010

** Worth Sharing **

One day a farmer's donkey fell into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he
quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
Live simply and appreciate what you have.
Give more.
Expect less

NOW .......
Enough of that crap. The donkey later came back, and bit the farmer who had tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected and the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock.


When you do something wrong, and try to cover your ass, it always comes back to bite you.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Time after Time..." never ceases to amaze me how amazing times passes by so quickly...(I feel like I've blogged this before)-aahh, and I guess I have. We're halfway through the year: people have gotten married (A&J; K&K); anniversaries celebrated; family & friends' kids blowing out their birthday candles and blessed with another year; while some couples have their own lil' blessing growing inside of them. Unfortunately, there have been some loses, but a sweet reminder that a "sunset on Earth, is a sunrise in Heaven." Trips taken, $$ spent, food eaten, drinks sipped on...the list goes on. But here we sit, approaching the month of July, and I couldn't feel more happy and pleased. Yes, time moves on (whether we like it or not), and we can celebrate it knowing that we've used our time wisely.


Be back in a few...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


A wise LOVE once said, "...reason why I work so hard is so I can LIVE, not live to work...". travel.make a difference.give back.Love life.LIVE life.

Something definitely worth watching (definitely worth posting and definitely worth sharing)...a reminder to inspire...a key point to how we should live and be...............F R E E !

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Working Day & Night"

Time ticks away...and life takes hold of us. Sometimes we don't know where the time has gone. Sometimes we wish we can pause a certain moment in life. And sometimes we wish we can have those who have have passed on, back to doing what they do best.

We've all been working pretty hard lately (at our jobs, school, biz, etc...), and sometimes we deserve to step out and enjoy each other's company; have a drink or two, laugh, and dance to some good music. The other night we went to watch a 14-piece Michael Jackson tribute band called Foreverland (formerly Neverland). They performed at the Mezzanine in the city last Saturday, and boy were they pretty good-they really were. They had the crowd dancing, singing the songs of the late and great Michael Joseph Jackson. Ironically, they haven't been around very long. According to their website, their first gig was last June 2009 here in their homebase of San Francisco, 5 days before the King of Pop's unexpected & shocking death on June 25th. But they formed the band in March wanting to share the music and appreciation they had for Michael Jackson (I mean who wouldn't want to if they had the talent to do so). And yes, they were formerly called "Neverland", but with legal issues from the Jackson estate, they had to change it to Foreverland. Here's what was stated on their website:
The letter from Greenberg Taurig cites an obligation by trademark law to stop the band’s use of “Neverland,” even though attorneys for the band can find no registered trademark for the name by the Jackson Estate. Okin says the band has no other choice but to succumb to the request...We are just 14 killer musicians who love Michael Jackson’s unreal showmanship and his complex, badass arrangements and want to keep his music alive, while maybe making a few bucks ourselves. Hence the term ‘tribute bands.’ We don’t even try to impersonate him, we just play the hell out of the music.”

Pretty dope, right? I think the horns make a huge impact. They don't try to impersonate MJ, but just play his music and spread the love:
With four lead singers, four horns and a six-piece rhythm section, the ensemble brings energy, excitement and musicianship to the music of Michael Jackson. Rather than be limited by a Michael Jackson impersonator and pre-recorded backing tracks, the band’s unique approach is to celebrate the larger than life performances, imagination and infectious spirit of a legendary artist. Hard core Michael Jackson fans love the band for respecting and performing his music. Band members report that fans often approach them after shows crying and thanking them for keeping the music alive. “That’s where we came up with Foreverland” explains Okin. “We want to keep his music alive forever.”
They portray the King of Pop's music in the right familiar tune. And because we are MJ fans, we definitely felt the groove and sensed the hard work Michael Jackson put into his music, his lyrics, his dancing, his life. He, as an entertainer, as a person, undoubtedly lives on.

I know Courtney was SUPER excited about this and least to say, she is now a groupie! Hahaha...she even got to meet Morty and show him her infamous MJ tattoo, which he thought was incredible. She's totally gonna book 'em. LOL!

Friday, March 19, 2010

"Big Wheels Keep on Turnin'..."

The wheels are brain is seriously on overload. Not in a bad way, but in a very busy way. Personally, I've always looked at my life as easy come, easy go, with a few side busters in between. School's got me motivated, but keeping me busy at the same time. Work is work and we're always busy (thank goodness). Biz and just helping with the planning is keeping us on our toes (thank goodness they want to work with us). And we enjoy doing these little researches and projects. It's showing our dedication and attention to detail to what's expected out of us. Personal life is at a normal, typical speed, filled with events, and fortunately even down-time, which is always a good thing. Lately, lots of exciting things and ideas have been snapped shot in my head. Whether they were conversations I've had with some intelligent folks, or emails and chat convos up the wall, and websites that I've visited and vow to visit again. I feel like not only is a blog an easy way to release it all, but a creative way to discover and connect with others and share these ideas.

After reading "Crush It", I've found myself obsessing over the whole social media world that I never thought to ever take a glance at. Ok, obsess is such a strong word, but I've found a fair amount of approval for it all. Which leads me to finally caving in with not only this blog, but I got me a Twitter account: @ccengagements_T. Will see where that leads me (us) and I hope to maneuver my way around the networking/outsourcing scene of the business world. Aaahhhh, so much to learn.

Besides that, I've found evernote to be quite helpful in saving these ideas, thoughts, and quotes and what not ("Linus", you did it again). Join can create folders of all sorts to help you quickly locate something, and there's easy search tools to help you find what you're looking for from your saved data. It's like using yellow or color coordinated Post-It notes, but in a much cleaner and organized way. An added plus: it's FREE.

As the wheels continue to roll, I know my next move is to create a wedding blog for us (I've perused through several blogs and sites online) and even "Evernoted" some ideas and such. People are so creative, dedicated, and so hardworking in something they truly love to do. Like waking up to ideas and jotting them down in a bedside notebook is not irritating and probably common to them. They never think twice about waking up at dawn every morning, because they want to get an early start to their day. Going to sleep past 2 am is nothing because it doesn't even phase them (I've lost track of time before-most of the time it's no biggie). Being on the computer practically 24/7, and having to read up on the latest trends is not a big's a's "building your personal brand" (so Gary says)'s pleasing to their soul. Communicating with others who have the same interests (who could be based thousands of miles away from each other) is entertaining to them--it ain't nothing. And yet, they still appreciate and love what they do. Amazing!

What's nice is that I personally know a few people out there making their way to build their personal brand (you GO-JO w/ your Eco-friendly, designing self!). And those who are taking baby steps to get there. And thinking about all that, now I know why Jay is who he is and is outright passionate about what he does, and what he hopes to accomplish. And I see it in him that being successful is not having all the "dinero" in the bank (well, obviously it helps, right? Don't lie to yourself). But it's mainly about your accomplished dreams...the goals you've back...being able to do what YOU want...making improvements in your family's lives...Can I get an Amen? "Totes"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want..."

Although throughout my twenties, I never really understood what the big deal was in finding your passion, and if there really was any kind of dreams that were instilled within lil' me. Yeah, sure there were these typical daydreams: "Someday I wanna get married..." and "One day I wanna have a family; 3 kids, maybe 4". I'll admit to having some "Wouldn't it be cool" dreams during my elementary school days. I imagined being some kick-ass choreographer, like who Tina Landon was to Janet Jackson. I loved to dance-still do. And there was a slight moment of thought during my Aqua Net hair days that it'd be "totally rad" to be a stewardess (now to be politically correct, they are referred to as flight attendants). How "awesome" would it be to travel all around the world, meet local people at pubs and restaurants near the airport, and know them by first-name basis? Those dreams have passed because now they no longer sit in the front of my brain for me to daydream. Some dreams have come true with a beautiful marriage, and in the coming dreams to reality of having a family, which has dropped to "2 kids, maybe 3".

Noone can forsee the future-we can only make it happen if our faith is competent to withstand the "opponents" callous ways. I continue to fight to WIN in victory, so that I can reach my dreams; to build self-awareness. And in order to do this, I need to be as efficient as possible with all the things I'm having to fit into my life (eventually):

- keep my faith in God the center of my life
- continue to spend as much time with the love of my life, my family and my friends
- read all the books that are sitting patiently on my nightstand (what happens is I start to read one book, pick up another and start reading that, then pick up another one, and somehow I end up with 3 books with bookmarks right in the middle of each one)
- travel as much as possible before any "baby talk" (Hawai'i, Cancun, Philippines for sure, Chicago, Yosemite, Texas, Graceland-actually Elvis can wait till later...)
- watch the Viva Elvis show @ Aria in Vegas
- watch the play Lion King
- Long-term: Egypt/Pyramids/camel riding?
- continue to take classes to gain the knowledge I need to WIN my victory
- devote more time to the biz
- read up on other wedding blogs & ideas
- start a wedding blog
- start a Twitter account (can't believe I just typed that)
- pay off my bills
- go back to scrapbooking
- learn how to sew
- get Invisalign
- volunteer?
- be more GREEN
- $ave-$ave-$ave
- keep cooking
- program myself with more computer skills
- get back into fitness/yoga/...go for a hike or two
- get massages once a month
- humble myself
- less "chismiss"
- ask questions
- think before I speak
- stop wasting time
- surround myself with extraordinary people

Surround Yourself with a Dream Team | "People can build you up or break you down -- you make the choice what role they play in your success." | John C. Maxwell

I'll have you know all those started with "I Wanna..." and in no particular order. And yes, the list will go on...but I'll spare you a few hours. What's interesting is that I know I'm not alone because of my own lil' cheering section on this site:
On his way to reaching the end of the internet, a friend of mine ("Linus") continues to share these websites and insights-thanks dude!

Now if only I can be efficient with my "wanna's", I'll be so happy and proud to list how long it took me to check off my wanna's on that website I mentioned. First "I Wanna" create my account. :p

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"'s yo Birthday..."

Some may believe we've lost the real meaning of birthdays? Do we gain anything, except another year to tack on to our lives? Of course we do. We gain a new perspective on life; a new experience to put in the books and news ones to make. But for 1 year olds, what exactly do they remember; what do they take with them as they continue to grow?

Today we celebrated Aukele-girl's 1st birthday. She was in her usual cute attire, with a small little tiara to match. When Joanne & I got there, she was just about to take her beauty nap before more people arrived. When she awoke about an hour later, she was rested and good to go to celebrate with her loved ones. Good food, warm and friendly company, and sweet "island flava" music by the MangoKingz filled the air of the clubhouse where balloons were decorated and a Pisces "Under the Sea" theme covered the walls. As she looked around, you can tell she hasn't the slightest clue as to what's going on in her surroundings. What will she remember from this day? Well thank goodness for technology, photos and videos will be shared one day to give her a memory and a sense of love from those who were able to share this day with her. This tradition will continue on for years and years, until she'll be able to remember for herself.

I can reminisce when we were kids, my parents threw big birthday parties at our house. It would start in the early morning with a sacrifice of one of our farm animals (I know...weird or gross, but don't worry, it was perfectly fine as part of our family ritual). But the party would start in the afternoon with kids running around the property, kool-aid stains on our lips, half of the adults singing a song or two on the keyboard, and the other half in the garage playing a game of Gin Rummy or poker. Not sure how it was determined, but I remember my dad created a birthday money pot from the card table, and the celebrant would receive the $$ pot at the end of the night, plus all of our gifts and envelopes from family & friends. Talk about a jackpot for kids! Plus being able to sip on soda all day long, run around, and have a slice of cake or was like heaven on Earth. Heck, we were kids, what can be more gratifying? As we got older, the parties started to disapate. When we moved to Hawai'i, they were basically gone forever, until we were old enough to start our own parties ourselves with friends.

Turning 18 for most Pinays meant cotillions or debut celebration (the coming of age for Philippine women). I never had one, never quite knew what it was until I moved back to California and was surrounded by Filipinos. I kid you not, but to my surprise, they were pratically like weddings! Just watch the movie "The Debut" with Dante' Basco. Same goes traditionally for 15 year old girls from Latin American cultures. They celebrate their Quinceañera (basically similar to Sweet Sixteen birthdays).

There are many more birthday traditions around the world, but nothing comparable to first birthdays. Regardless if they remember or not or appreciate it when they become teenagers, just know that while your baby may be surrounded by family & friends wishing her a happy-happy 1st birthday, in all fairness, you get a bigger slice of the cake for your anniversary of your becoming a parent. So congratulations on this milestone to you 1st year parents out there. May you continue to productively raise your 1 year old to become appreciative of life and to love always.

*special shout-out to Tevyn-Trae also. Happy 1st Birthday!*

Saturday, March 6, 2010

"When You Believe"

I read somewhere from someone special: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." I wanna belong to the future...and the future shall belong to me. I right? Do I even have the right to declare my future? I do have the right to dream my dreams, and most of the time, they are quite beautiful. Therefore my future IS my future. But the way it is shaped is NOT up to me (He does all Great things). Now I know I'm right.

My first blog ever. Wait, not true. I've blogged a bit on Xanga, but who knows where that account went. That was many moons ago. Since then, my growth and experiences have skyrocketed into another dimension. I'm not saying I'm all that and a piece of pie, but for years it's been such a wild ride of emotions and big and lil' smiles, all with a significance of pure, sincere meaning.

My HERO who has given me so much encouragement for all the 8 years plus we've held hands, is on a jet plane to the Republic of the Philippines, probably in a sleepless position (it's not his bedtime yet). Jay's shown me another level of succeeding over dreams, jumping over goals, cruising through a life with no regrets. He sure is on his way and YES, I will place my husband on a pedestal. He deserves to be there. And no, it's not always served with tea & crumpets , but for the most part, we've enjoyed our tea-time, while gaining so much from each other. And there's no better way to explain it but just say that there is a sweet genuine amount of respect for the man. He continues to believe in me when I have doubt in myself. It's amazing what God can do to lift your spirits up; He sends a magical person to LOVE you in every way. "Love u Love"

Other than that random ramble of my lover, BFF and I have finally put together our upcoming aspirations with
C&C Engagements: Your Wedding Concierge.
That's right folks...we're on our way. Well, not exactly immediately on our way. But we've got a couple guinea pigs to start us off. We're just so proud with coming up with a name--you have no idea. I hope the "lobster" and the "linus" are proud of our moment..."step 1, check".

That's why this "blogness" has finally emerged from the depths of the social media hype I did not want to get into. I swear, this was so not my intention to start it, but with the persistence of my lover & friends, what better accessibility to release some of this & that...and to share that & this. My brain can be on overload sometimes, and I figure this will help guide me to learn to live my passion. To walk my talk...
'Bout to get schooled with the latest book in my hand "Crush It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk, who states in this book:

"...I live by three pretty simple rules:
Love your family.
Work superhard.
Live your passion."

Who's with me to make a change in themselves and in this world?